Anyway, I chose to compare the brands' natural selection because looking through most of the peanut butter selection, these are the healthier options. Looking more closely at the label they are about the same in calories, total fat, and saturated fat. However, the Meijer Naturals is lower in sugar and sodium per 2 tablespoons. If you look at the ingredients list, JIF is made with peanuts, sugar, palm oil, salt, and molasses. The palm oil that is in the JIF brand is an oil that contains a high amount of saturated fat, and the JIF brand is higher in sodium and sugar (because of the molasses). Meijer Naturals is made with peanuts--yes that's it! I would recommend choosing the Meijer Naturals.
This is only one example of how reading the label and ingredient list is important for everything you buy. It make take some time in the beginning, but once you know what works and what to look for then it's easy! :)